How To Play Sic Bo

Sic Bo, which is very similar to roulette, is a very entertaining game a lot of people don’t know about. In the gameplay, the dealer rolls 3 dice, and the players put chips on areas that depict the outcomes they want to bet on.

The game software or dealer rolls the 3 dice in a small chest and reveals the random results. Every number on the outcome predicted by the player becomes a win, while the wrong predictions are the losses. There are 6 betting options, which are the most important and exciting part of the game.

Setting a BudgetBuying the ChipsHow to BetTypes of Sic Bo Bets
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Setting a Budget

Setting a Budget

Even though Sic Bo seems like a straightforward game, it is still a type of gambling and anything with money at stake must be played tactfully. The players exchange their money for chips that are offered by the dealer.

So, this can drain the player’s account easily particularly when bets with higher odds are placed. It is advisable to consider cash for Sic Bo as part of an entertainment budget just like the finances spent on movies and shows. The use of debit and credit cards is highly discouraged because it can make someone spend more than what they had planned for.

Setting a Budget
Buying the Chips

Buying the Chips

The chips are set on the Sic Bo table in a bet box. Players simply put money on the table to buy the chips. Just like any other casino table game, money is never passed to the dealer directly when purchasing the chips.

For the avoidance of doubt, it is essential to put the cash on the table and for the dealer to pick them. Similarly, it would be wrong for the dealer to hand the chips directly into the player’s hands. Instead, they put them on the table so that the player can take them and start wagering.

Buying the Chips
How to Bet

How to Bet

Players are advised to bet a sum of money they are willing to lose. Betting in Sic Bo involves putting the bought chips on the table in a combination that the player thinks will be the outcome of the rolled dice.

Every combination has its own odds of winning, and this knowledge is vital in making an informed move. The payout for every bet is displayed on the Sic Bo table. Hence, the players have everything they need to gauge the possible outcomes. The higher the odds of a payout, the lower the chances of winning. But the chance of winning is high when the payout odds are low.

How to Bet
Types of Sic Bo Bets

Types of Sic Bo Bets

Single-number bets form the bottom-most row, and they bet on the chance of any number from 1 to 6 appearing on the roll. The next row from the bottom represents two-number combination bets.

They are used to predict the outcome of two specific numbers. Then the three-number bets at the third bottom row predict the sum of numbers to be rolled next. The topmost row comprises the triple, pair, big, and small bets.

Triple bets represent a set of triple numbers while the pair bets predict any pairs. The small bets lay odds for any sum of dice roll between 4 and 10 and big bets any sum between 11-17.

Types of Sic Bo Bets